There are lots of sites out there that list ICOs and token offerings like TokenMarket and Smithandcrown, but they are really lists more than anything and while they have some documentation on their sites, including white papers and videos, there’s not a lot of rigor or structure to them.
That’s why it’s so refreshing to see the latest efforts from William Mougayar of Ethereum fame, who also wrote the best selling book The Business Blockchain. It’s called Token Filings and it has some of the things that other sites are missing.
Now it’s not finished by any stretch as William’s latest blog will tell you, but it is clearly headed in the right direction and is filling a much needed hole for both supply and demand side of ICOs and token sales.
There’s still a feeding frenzy around ICOs and token sales but for the outsider, it’s not always obvious which programs are just a good idea, and which are real businesses who understand how to build a product and run a business. So whereas an offering like Uport is an interesting and useful idea for managing “identity” with public and private key management – AuthenticID has a comprehensive plan to manage identity authentication in a variety of ways that can comply with rules and regulations around the world. Token Filings looks like it’s heading down the path of helping the demand side with more structure around the profile, market, and docs segment of their site. As more people pay attention to this – more people on Wall Street are starting to assess these so it was time for some rigor, discipline, and maturity in organizing what’s going on.
On the supply side of things, there’s a real frenzy of activity and it’s pretty clear from reading some of the white papers out on TokenMarket that people are rushing their ICOs out the door without dotting i’s and crossing t’s, both literally and figuratively, and that creates risk for them and for their investors. So for example, – Tokenomics in the new Token Filings site helps companies figure out how to talk about how to define the value of how they are selling what they are selling – whether it’s the promise of a future product or whether the product already exists and it’s being mapped into the world of blockchain (UNIKRN is a great example of that).
So take a look and keep an eye on this site – it promises to be of great value to all of us paying attention to blockchains and cryptocurrencies.
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