There is so much going on with ICOs and token sales that is nonsense, we felt it would be useful to build a tool to help people decide more easily if an ICO or token offering makes any sense. So we started with these ten questions and mocked this up t be a tool you can use.
It is going to allow you to fill in answers to some pretty basic Yes/No questions, and based on that it will tally them and provide you with a pass or a fail using conditional formatting in Excel. If you want this Pass Fail meter tool, please contact me at ric at authenticid dot co – we think it will be ready by Friday. It has a couple of example companies pre-populated. AuthenticID is launching a token offering next month – and you can assess whether you think that offering will be a good one as well next week after their ATHAU token site goes live.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Not so long ago, the author of The Business Blockchain, William Mougayar, posted this piece on what Tokenomics is. The article is clear and sound, but it’s complicated. We thought that some of us need a simpler meter for assessing whether an ICO makes sense to pursue.
One thing we have learned on sites like TokenMarket and Smithandcrown is that it can be very time consuming to stay on top of all of the offerings that are popping up.
If you have filled out the Smithandcrown survey for getting on their web site for an offering, they ask the following question about the tokens:
Again – token offerings can be really complex – which makes sense for people who need those details. But many aren’t going to want to get to this level of understanding about a token to decide if the offering is on the right path.
For some of the mass adoption a lot of us want for the blockchain – it has to get simplified.
We think this Tokenomics Pass/Fail meter will help.
So have a look and let us know if you have feedback on the format and the questions.
It looks great, can you send me the excel spreadsheet