Some people may think I have a crush on video rental company Netflix because I talk about them so effusively.
But this particular commentary is about something they are doing wrong, or at least not doing as well as they could and part of this stems from how much their brand has evolved over the years. When Netflix started out, they set out to keep you on the couch. The only way you could get videos from Netflix was in the mail. They didn’t want you to go to the theater. But as they evolved, they started collecting feedback about movies we have seen irrespective of whether we saw them through Netflix and that then fed their recommendation engine so they would be better about letting us know how likely we would be to enjoy a film (which as users know is uncanny how good it is at using our feedback to predict what we will like). So now that we can review any film we have seen anywhere, we can now stream videos directly from their site (amazing experience on an iPad, by the way), and we can reserve movies that aren’t yet available, their brand has really evolved. The Netflix brand now extends to any film experience we have in large part because we can rate those films which leads to an even richer relationship with them.
So a quick recap – what is Netflix good at:
1) Having an incredible catalog of films
1) Listening to, and capturing what we want to see
2) Capturing our feedback and digesting it so they can recommend (or discourage) future viewings
3) Matchmaking between viewers and films
4) They also happen to have one of the best user experiences on their site. Very click-efficient ( should take note)
Last year I was on a panel with Deborah Person who runs the largest film festival in North America, the Seattle International Film Festival (better known as SIFF), and the discussion turned to alliances and I commented that Netflix would be a great partner for SIFF. Initially Deborah’s reaction was that Netflix is competition for SIFF, but I pointed out that was the Netflix of old where they didn’t want us to leave our couch. Things have changed. That, by the way, is the lesson for all of us – companies do change and someone who was competition yesterday, may now be your best ally.
The films at SIFF are new films that are looking to get picked up by distributors, so Netflix hasn’t heard of any of these films yet but if they could get entered into the Netflix system, Netflix would be able to start recommending specific films for specific SIFF viewers. That match-making between viewers and films is one of the toughest things that film festivals have to go through, by the way. That’s already a big win-win for Netflix and SIFF, but now if the viewers actually go in and rate the films they have seen, Netflix now has visibility into that information and even if some of these films never get picked up, Netflix may want to add them to their catalog and add an even more detailed dimension to their catalog, especially with the increase in use of streaming video which I was recently told is already 55% of their viewership.
The other piece of this that may be more useful for SIFF than Netflix (but I could be wrong on this) is if they do a diligent job of capturing this information – without compromising any personal information, they can share the data of who liked, and didn’t like the films, by age, gender and ZIP code (which is how makes their money). That would add a whole new dimension to movie marketing – if it’s already known which demographics like the film, there’s much lower risk to the distributors about where a movie will be a hit.
So that’s the kind of rethinking Netflix needs to do, not just with SIFF, but every movie festival. It’s very much in line with their brand evolution and the film festivals and the distributors get a get boost as well.
Sooo you are basically saying that Netflix needs to turn into for movies?
I won’t be surprised if that happens.
Netflix is already working on becoming a for movies. They’re putting tons of money into their recommendation system and have been for years. It’s interesting but there’s still a long way to go.
I think it would actually be really cool for Netflix to work with festivals, especially SIFF though. I actually ended up on this post looking for info on what previous SIFF films are available for streaming after noticing a couple I had seen before (The Trotsky, Last Train Home) and if they were that closely integrated it would have already solved my problem.